It’s bloody hard being an entrepreneur.
Anyone that pretends it’s easy is wrong.
Getting even a single additional customer can often be the damned hardest thing.
Which is why you need a fortress.
Not a fortress formed from stone with flags on the battlements.
No, you need a fortress to protect TWO THINGS:
Your MIND and your TIME.
How you think and what you do.
When it comes to success and the attraction of wealth, pretty much nothing else is going to matter.
If you can’t protect your productivity and you can’t protect your thinking, you are stuffed. Properly stuffed.
We are, all of us, constantly under attack – whether it’s email, phone calls, social media, and more.
And if you allow the barbarians even an inch across the ramparts, all your goals, plans, and strategies can end up in ruins.
Too many business owners are TOO distracted. At the mercy of other people’s agenda and the price they pay is high indeed.
For me, it’s why my holidays and time away is so important.
Time to think.
You see clearly.
Without distraction.
My 90 minutes every day is where I work ON the business and not IN the business. My daily 90 minute session is my drawbridge. It’s pulled up every morning around 7.30/7.45am and no-one gets across it until I emerge around 9.15am ready to take on whatever the day throws at me because by then I’ve already done the most important things.
Your mind and your time. The two most valuable things for every entrepreneur, everywhere in the world. Today and every day.
Your mind and time need guarding and protecting – pretty much with your life because the life you lead is determined to a very large extent by how well you look after and nurture the pair of ’em.
Man the barricades…
If you don’t put the right kind of hard work in now, you’ll miss out and it won’t surprise you if competitors take charge.
Over to you.
If you need help getting a consistent flow of higher paying customers, my marketing consultancy and coaching could be for you.